High School Credits

Program objective
To provide opportunities for students in BC to earn elective credits towards high school graduation by successfully reaching a standard of sport excellence as an athlete, coach or official.
Program description
The Ministry of Education and Child Care partners with both the Sport Branch of the Ministry of Tourism, Arts, Culture, and Sport and viaSport to manage the External Sport Credentials Program (ESCP). Students can get graduation credits by completing approved Athlete, Coach, or Official programs. Since 2009, over 31,000 students have participated in the ESCP.
General Organization Eligibility
To be eligible for the ESCP, a Provincial Sport Organization (PSO) or Disability Sport Organization (DSO) must be one of the following:
• Accredited by viaSport;
• Recognized by viaSport; or
• Affiliated with viaSport
Water Polo West is accredited by Via Sport
Sport organization
The following criteria for sports organizations in the ESCP:
Is a BC PSO or DSO that is a recognized member of the National Sport Organization;
Is committed to a sport environment that is accessible, inclusive and is free from all forms of maltreatment;
Must have updated safe sport policies and links to resources on their websites;
In good standing under the BC Societies Act; and
Has Athlete, Coach and Officials development models guided by the sport’s long-term athlete development model
Athlete Eligibility
Water polo athletes must meet the following eligibility criteria:
Athlete Level 2 UXSA 11 (4 credits)
Selected to the 16U Team BC AND
Competing at the National Championship
Athlete Level 3 UXSA 12 (4 credits)
Selected to 18U Team BC AND
Competing at the National Championship​
Students who intend to use the ESCP to earn credit towards graduation should remember the following:
External Sport Credentials are elective credits and cannot be used to substitute for required courses such as Physical Health and Education 10.
You must meet minimum standards as an Athlete, Coach or Official. Learn more about the sport programs that qualify for credit towards graduation:
A student cannot receive additional credits for duplicate participation within the same category. For example:
As a selected athlete who competed on a provincial team, a student earns credits for Athlete Level 3. Being selected and competing on another Athlete Level 3 team (in a different sport) does not earn additional credits, student can only receive credit for Athlete Levels 1, 2, and 3 once
Regardless of Athlete level, all students seeking credentials are required to complete the following:
Keep a training diary
Have a training plan
Train a minimum of 100 hours per year
Student responsibility
To confirm involvement in an approved program, students must request a verification letter from Water Polo West. Students can do this by contacting Water Polo West (teambc@waterpolowest.ca).
Students are responsible for submitting the letter of verification of participation for External Sport Credentials to their high school counsellor.
Although students may earn External Sport Credentials at any time, students are encouraged to submit their documentation only after they enter Grade 10.
Getting credit
Students are required to confirm involvement in an approved athlete program. They must contact Water Polo West to request a verification letter.​
Students are responsible for submitting the letter of verification of participation for External Sport Credentials. They can submit the letter to their high school counsellor.
Although students may earn External Sport Credentials at any time, students are encouraged to submit their documentation only after they enter Grade 10.