Safe Sport

Statement of Commitment
Sport organizations in British Columbia are committed to creating a safe sport environment that is accessible, inclusive, respects their participants personal goals, and is free from all forms of Maltreatment. As part of Water Polo Wests commitment to Safe Sport, our staff and Board have completed Commit to Kids training.
Water Polo West values fair, safe, open and inclusive sport for all. To this end, in partnership with Water Polo Canada, our members clubs and a variety of Canadian safe sport leading organizations, we promote and activate a number of initiatives with, and, for our members that work in tandem to support our alignment with the following policies:​​
Water Polo West has developed this Code of Conduct and Disciplinary Procedure for the benefit and protection of individuals associated with Water Polo West. Part I consists of a Code of Conduct outlining standards of behaviourfor all individuals associated with Water Polo West.
Part II is a Disciplinary Procedure explaining how to submit and adjudicate complaints regarding violations of theCode of Conduct or other applicable Water Polo West policies. Water Polo West accepts all language contained in the British Columbia Universal Code of Conduct (BC UCC). A copy of the code is hosted here
Water Polo West Code of Conduct
Commit to Kids
Commit to Kids (C2K) provides policies, strategies, and a step-by-step plan to help reduce the risk of sexual abuse happening within child-serving organizations. C2K provides tailored training and resources such as Commit to Kids - Keeping Kids Safe in Sport that helps sport organizations develop policies for coaches and volunteers that uphold standards of conduct to keep kids safe in sport.
All WPW Board Members and Staff are required to complete the Commit to Kids training. BCPFA encourages all coaches and club executives to complete the training and to use the resources to support creating safe spaces for all participants.
Making Ethical Decisions
All coaches in BC and Canada are required to complete the Making Ethical Decision training and evaluation to be eligible for certification. To learn more about Making Ethical Decision, please click here.
Safe Sport Training
The Coaching Association of Canada (CAC) developed the Safe Sport Training module to help anyone involved in sport identify and prevent situations of maltreatment. We all share the responsibility of creating a culture where everyone can thrive. Together, we can make sport safe for everyone.
All coaches, club executives and parents are encouraged to complete the FREE Safe Sport Training module.
If you are aware of a suspected incident of abuse, harassment, discrimination, bullying, or maltreatment you have options to access advice, guidance and resources:
Report Maltreatment in Water Polo
Safe Sport Officer - Water Polo
Report the incident to the safe sport officer for Water Polo - click here or click here for the reporting form
Call the confidential toll-free phone line for children and youth wanting to talk to someone - 310-1234 (no area code required)
Call the toll-free, confidential, multi-lingual telephone and online service available across BC 24 hours a day, 7 days a week which provides information and referral services to all victims of crime and immediate crisis support to victims of family and sexual violence.
Resilience BC: the Anti-Racism Network provides information about how to report incidences of racism and hate crimes if you are a victim or witness such incidences.
Call the Canadian Sport Helpline